Charlotte's Web

As I've said before (I think), we are using A-beka Academy but I am following the Read-Alouds from Sonlight for night time reading. The first that we finished was Charlotte's Web by E.B. White. We really enjoyed that book and both cried when Charlotte died. There were a lot of good morals to learn. The book talks about different animals, different parts of spiders, respecting others differences, respecting ones parents and siblings, and love (Henry Fussy and Fern).
For anyone that decides to read this book, may I make one suggestion. Create a 3-D model of a spider. You know...spinnerets, legs, etc. It would have been more educational if we had been able to look at what Charlotte was speaking about because I don't know all the different parts of a spider.

They had Charlotte's Web at the Magik Theatre here a while back. It's a children's theatre with awesome plays based on children's books. I took T, but it was definitely over his head. I bet she would have loved it! You should see if they have a children's playhouse like this by you. I'm sure there is.......