Week 13

Welcome to the year 2012!
I know that this year is going to be great and I cant wait for the next year to begin! Not the next year as in 2012 but the grade of my oldest! This first grade experience has been hard and not the most memorable but I know that no matter what program we choose after this...God is going to bless us and bless T.
As for T and her school: We haven't really gotten behind but her reading has gotten behind. We'll be turning in another set of testings at the end of this week but I noticed that they still haven't graded her reading which is kind of irritating! There is nothing that I can do about it...so we keep on trudging along.
I have figured out a way to make it go faster for her though and I've implemented it. With the way things are going I'm hoping we'll be finished by May instead of July like her calender says!
Everything else is going well. I need to go get T to feed the rabbits and usually I don't have to remind her but it seems today she has forgotten her priorities lie with the bunnies! I've got to get my work done too but I hope that everyone has a wonderful day!
I was very impressed with her reading. I give her an A. Does that count?