Week 19

So we are back. There is no time like the present to update the blog even though I prob. look like a zombie and I definitely feel like one! I just finished my last final of the semester and am basking in the luxuries that come with not having to study. T's school took a back seat this week and I didn't really push her to do what she needed to cause I didn't have it in me to do that.

I was reading back through some of my posts and realized that I should update some of them. We are still using A-Beka Accredited Academy. But we are not supplementing her with Writing with Ease, or Christian Light. She has a lot of bible time already and a lot of writing that I don't want to push it. I'll save that for the summer so we can practice it then. I'm still not a huge fan of the program but we have gotten into a groove that works. She's doing really well and now that I'm not stressed out with school I can focus on her and her tests this next couple weeks to catch her up!

I'm still looking into school for her for next year but am slightly discouraged by our options. The charter school is a viable option but the chances of getting her in are very slim. The public school is an option but not one that I feel super comfortable with even if it looks like a very family run school. And the private school is too pricey. I can't see paying $8K for my child to learn the things she needs to learn. It just seems so excessive. And I don't know how home-schooling is going to work next year. Shes doing great now but I still have another semester left of school! (Sigh)

I'm also going to start looking into a pre-school for our smallest child cause she needs to get out and play with some kids her own age to learn some sharing/socializing. She's pretty good but I worry that she gets her way too much and she might be selfish with other kids!

Other than that, we had a little catastrophe this week. T accidentally left the cage open to her bunny pen and he got out. We searched every two hours, rain or shine...I should say! I did even though I was supposed to be studying. When our youngest woke up from her nap I took them out and we hiked around again. Total randomness, but this guy heard me talking on my cell phone to my husband that we hadn't found the bunny and he called me over and said, "There's a bunny right there!" Oh my...the squeals that followed were deafening! She was happy and she hasn't made that mistake again.

So now I'm more exhausted and slightly delirious! I've got to go to bed! Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.


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