And So It Begins!

So I almost followed through with my promise. If you've been keeping tabs, I promised T. that we would not start "school" until after her birthday - Sept 1. That week I was exhausted so we didn’t officially start till today, Sept 10. But we were doing odds and ends because we were enrolled in the charter homeschool in our area and they started in the middle of August. Our ES came over last week and we needed papers to show her or samples, so we did practice worksheets, and read books about things she wanted to read about not necessarily what the curriculum suggested. We talked about money, our community, and did color worksheets on geography. So she, our ES, came and she left - happy! Thank God. The rest of the week I was so tired I couldn’t function and we continued doing worksheets because I couldn’t get organized enough to do the curriculum. But today is a new day!

I did change up our curriculum a bit though. Here is the updated version:

Core B
Science A
Horizon Math 2

I took out the handwriting because it was too easy for her. We can do copy-work together, cursive together, and spelling...well, there is a little spelling in the Core B...and we'll do spelling in third grade. I did order Book C of another handwriting curriculum...The Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting program. We’ll see what the end result of that curriculum is!

I have also enrolled her in some PE classes for the fall semester:
Swimming T/Th
Yoga F

Today was a fun day for me. Although I wasn’t completely prepared for the day, we did work our way through the curriculum lesson. We read 2 chapters of Charlotte’s Web. We read a poem by R. Stevenson, read a chapter on the earth’s crust and atmosphere, and did a couple worksheets in math and science. We also read about people around the world, and T. read the first chapter of the Beginners Bible. The day took us about 2.5 hours but that was with me not being prepared, and taking a couple of phone calls.

Tomorrow should be easier and less time! I’m very excited! My daughter seems content too...We made compound words on index cards and played a memory game. Each section of the word was on an individual index card and she had to flip them over and match them...a memory game. It’s not what the day called for but I didn’t want to do the lesson they were suggesting with the compound words...That was her favorite part of the day.

I’ll try to come on regularly and update you on our progress…On a personal note we are 37 weeks pregnant and I’m worried about the time after the baby is born…but if school only takes 2 hrs. I think we can do it!


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