
I feel completely blessed which is why I come to you today and am only half-talking of home-school. This is a very important criteria if your home-schooling so listen up all you moms out there that are not sure of yourselves and what your doing!
Today I feel like I've received so much encouragement. My daughter, although doing great in homeschooling, is not loving the whole routine. So of course that adds doubt to what I am doing and how I am doing it. Today, I went to my girlfriends house for some coffee and girl time and to celebrate her birthday and her words were so encouraging that it lifted my spirits. Then I talked to a friend on my way home and she too had only good things to say about what she saw in me and in what I was doing with our 6 year old. It sent my spirit a-soaring! I didn't realize how much I needed that until I heard the words of encouragement.

Thank you for all those friends who join me on this adventure and encourage me through the adventure to keep going even when I feel like I'm getting no where! Thank you for all you say and do to keep me trucking along one day at a time and to keep me accountable to myself, my daughter and to God! The weight of being mom, student, wife, teacher, secretary/admin. and house-cleaner sometimes gets too much to handle but with you all and God by my side...T and I will make it through this year and the years that follow!

With all my heart I thank you and pray that God blesses your lives 7 times 77! I love you all! God bless you!
You're welcome! Being a mom/homeschool mom, wife, student, chef, homemaker, etc..... is A LOT of work. We need to stick together to encourage each other!!! And also thank our husbands that they work so hard to make it happen for us to stay home to do all this!