Kindergarten and APD

So when my 5 almost 6 year old was 2, I noticed that she was having a difficult time enunciating her words. She blurred words together a lot and no one, but her sister and I could understand her. A lot of people thought it was cute but when your two year old wants something and you cant understand her/ end up with a very fussy 2 year old; not to mention a very frustrated and overwhelmed mommy or babysitter.

Through the years it became apparent that things were not really getting worse but technically were not getting better. My frustration with how to handle it was getting worse and I desperately wanted to help my little one not be frustrated too. My husband repeatedly said nothing was wrong but I could see it.

Let me say this one thing. I'm not an all knowing person. I'm not super duper smart...but I do have my education degree and have taken a few child development courses. Enough courses that I knew that things were not progressing in an "average" fashion. I could pretend that everything was fine. I could still pretend that everything is fine but things would still be the way they are and people would not understand or know how to handle the situation.

So, continuing...

Its 2015. My beautiful daughter is enjoying her summer taking swimming lessons. I'm going to the same place I always go because its a nice facility. People know me here and my youngest has a splash area to play in while the other sister is doing her lesson. I walk over to the teacher as my swimmer goes to play in the splash zone and ask if I should enroll her into the next class up. The teacher smiles and says yes cause my little swimmer is actually swimming. I thank her and move on.

5 hours later...disaster. CPS and police come to our door.

As she asked my 5 year old questions I saw my 5 year old realize that something was wrong. I saw uncertainty and maybe a little bit of fear. When my oldest came home and needed to be interviewed, you could see the fear and then the anger. And after, I had a crying fest. It was traumatizing to the whole family.

Letter by Wounded and Betrayed

The experience was not something I wanted to repeat and I realized that yes, I could ignore it and things would get better but something like this could happen again because my precious girl could not explain herself to others. So I found a speech/language therapist and asked them to test her. The results were a bit more astounding to even me who knew how hard we'd been trying to conquer these issues.

Now we are tested and getting help where ever we can and finding websites that help encourage fun learning. Here are a few that we are enjoying using as we learn and try to retain our numbers.

K4 Writing Number

Tracing Letters Worksheet

Dot Number Maze

Good luck everyone and have a great week! HAPPY HOMESCHOOLING FROM MY PRECIOUS GIRLS TO YOU!


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