AIT ~ audio integration therapy

Audio Integration Therapy

It's been a crazy week and the month is going to roll into crazy into February. No one tells you that any of this is going to be hard or busy or difficult...

No one tells you the fear that comes when your daughter talks to a stranger and you don't know if she'll understand that she can't say certain things or walk away with him because she just doesn't understand. This audio integration therapy is supposed to help her brain connect better. It should help her focus on the phonetic sounds that she hears and in the end help her read. These are all hopes. We wont know till we try.

This was written months ago in a frenzy of stress. I'm not sure where my head has been except to say that I'm trying very hard to help my daughter succeed but I feel as if I'm failing. There was a recent post that expressed it very well and I'll try to find it and link it below...but the short of it, fear hinders me from taking chances and looking outside the box at other ways of teaching my children. But I digress. The AIT seems to be working well. She is hearing sounds and articulating herself so much better than she was. Now whether it was because of the AIT or not, I don't know but I have to think that there has to be some connection because my 6 year old can now read small words like "cat" or "dog". Its exciting but...

There is that "but" again. Sure she has had her therapies and all but it hasn't taken the anxiety away from the child. So we keep trekking and hoping that things slow down, speed up, or something...anything to ensure that my little understands what she is learning.

Police and Autism

**Note: No matter if its someone calling the police or the police seeing your child being frustrated, or any of the numerous emotions they produce...its stressful not to be next to your child when we know the consequences for giving them a little bit of freedom (if that's what you want to call it). 


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