I'm Incomplete

This is more a poor me post then anything. As a person who loves to blog, I find that I can only focus on one thing at a time and right now my kids take precedence. I find that I cry a lot and I stress out that I am not the best choice for my daughters. I feel like I don't get to enjoy them as my daughters because I am always trying to get them to better themselves in school. The problem here is that I want to enjoy them as my daughters and not fight with them about trying their hardest in school.

Buttercup is a 6th grader and I'm not involved in her schooling -- not really. I would love to be more involved but honestly I cant keep up with her.
English - Online IEW class
History - Switched on Schoolhouse - 6th grade
Math - Teaching Textbooks - 7th grade
Science - Physics Co-op class (local)

Wren is a 1st grader and I'm more involved in her schooling then I'd like to be. Her learning issues have caused a certain amount of stress that I just cant work through. I know that she wants to be able to read like her friends in school are and if homeschooling was going to be our option for the rest of their school years then maybe I wouldn't stress about it so much but honestly I'm trying my hardest to manage her, her sisters, and my household!
A-Beka Academy Videos - Kindergarten

Our littlest is in full time preschool so that I can help my first grader work through her work.

I'm feeling incompetent, and unloving. I'm sure that I am not the only person that feels this way and maybe one day I'll look back on this and think it wasn't that bad but for now...I feel like I'm braking into thousands of pieces.

Good luck my fellow Homeschoolers and may the Lord grant you the peace we all deserve.


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