Finding Phonics and Number Recognition Resources

I absolutely love going into my local target and finding things that I can use for teaching my kids school stuff! Colors, Shapes, Numbers, Animals, Dinosaurs, Math, and English...all in the dollar section of Target.

Get a sitter and run over to Target, Walmart, and the $.99 store. Then slow down and enjoy your time rummaging through their educational section. Dont forget to check the clearance area because as we get closer to the school year, items will get more and more discounted.

I'll be using this idea as well but I can not take credit for it! A friend of mine punches holes into the cards and places rings on them so that they can flip through them and not lose them! I'll take a picture of it as soon as find the round clips to do with!


  1. Thanks for the reminder! I keep meaning to go to the Dollar Tree. It's the only "discount" place around here, not even a Target! Boo hoo!

    1. Try maybe or

      If you cant find them and you tell me what you're looking for..I can always look for them and send them to you...when you recieve them you can reimburse me...

      I also got teacher discount cards for different places. I'll post a pic of them later so that other can remember to enroll in getting a discount!

  2. were you ever able to find the rings? I have been looking for them as well.

    1. I havent looked yet but I think Hobby Lobby will have it. try their website!

  3. Hi, Natasha. Found my way here from Homeschooling Around the World FB page.

    I know what you mean about the $1 isle at Target. I've found a lot of great items at the Dollar General, also. Homeschooling can actually be pretty cheap in the elementary grade levels.


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