I'm giving you the schedule that I made up for my kiddos in hopes that it will help you to get more organized.What is the number one issue during homeschooling. Mine is organization. I never seem to have enough time to incorporate every subject because we don't have a basic skeleton of a schedule to adhere by.

This next year that is going to have to change. Going from one homeschooler to two has me a bit concerned that I'll drop the ball and I can't do that to myself or my children. I'm in the process of creating a "family binder" which I'll post about next week.

Now of course this will change depending on your age and subjects you are covering on your homeschool days. Some people only homeschool three days out of the week and others five. We won't follow this strictly for multiple reasons.

1: My 5th grader will be doing IEW once a week online and hopefully we'll be able to incorporate some form of language and typing.

2. Depending on the curriculum, the kids might not need that long for each subject.

3. My preschooler will actually be going to preschool this next fall. There is a fun co-op behind our house that my kids attend. It's run by some lovely women and two days out of the week my youngest will be attending for a few hours to give myself and her sisters a much needed break.

I can neither confirm or deny that this link for the document will actually work but I'll try and figure it out after I've posted this. Good luck ya'll and join me every week as I work through different aspects of life to help myself and anyone else towards a great homeschool year!


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