Do you have a Doppelganger?

The legend of the Doppelganger - the Doppelgänger is known as "evil twins" and often have sinister motives.

I sat today in my crochet class and crocheted. As the evening progressed and I finished a row, I realized that something wasn’t making sense about the pattern I was working on. When “M” came over to "inspect" my work, she showed me that, while my row of shells was flawless, they were not bobbles. Grr! This would have been my second time pulling out a full row of a 245 stitch line. My doppelganger had hit again. - Evil little twin...because in my doppelganger has mastered the art of looking charming, being witty, and keeping the weight I've been trying to lose since...well...almost a year and a half now. - I pulled out my row of neat shells and began to practice my bobbles and laugh somewhat insanely at how ludicrous this all really was...chain 247, sc 245, db crochet 4 without completing and then pull through 5 loops...almost like a puff. Why hadn’t I noticed that in the directions before!

After, my friend and I headed over to Starbucks for a calm, relaxing tea where we proceeded to discuss frozen meals and the option of exchanging recipes. Then came the discussion of kids and whether more was a necessity or whether it was just an insane desire. Again…my doppelganger rearing her little head. In previous posts, including my introduction, I’ve discussed how I want to be that mom that friends want to go to their house because the mom somehow telepathically knows that her kids are coming home with friends and needs a batch of homemade cookies to be placed in a obvious spot for consumption when they walk in. I want to be that mom that can communicate easily with her kids without getting riled up. I want to be "that mom" 24/7, not just in public, when family is over (there is a difference between public and family), or after a much needed mommy vacation that has lasted more than 2 nights. So I’m blaming my doppelganger for the stress that seems to place doubts about who and what I want to be. Also, my doppelganger has placed the idea that I may be good at being a narrator for audiobooks. She full of "cheese and crackers"! LOL...

Keep posted for those freezer recipes. I have some awesome ideas but will need to freeze them before defrosting them and putting them to the test! If you have any me and I'll post them in the recipe tab. If you try a recipe, please rate it with starts 0-5 and if someone decides to try it and replicates it...please post a rating so we ALL benefit from it! Happy freezing and may the force be with you!

Do you have a doppelganger?


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